2022.10.11 15:30:00
AIROHA Announced RDK-B Support for Broadband SoC to Help 1st Tier Operators Migrate from DOCSIS to Fiber
Broadband IC chip solution for RDK-B GPON shows the company's strong support for the open-source platform
2022.10.04 15:30:00
Airoha Technology Kicks off Ultra-Fast Symmetric 8 Gbps Deployments
Sets a New Benchmark for Global Fixed Broadband Transformation with Breakthroughs in XGS-PON Technology
2022.07.26 15:00:00
AirohaがBluetuooth(R)LE Audio認定によって10年間のマイルストーンを達成 [Japanese]
Airoha Bluetooth LE Audioチップ搭載の(オーディオデバイス)は2023年前半に広く利用可能になる
2022.07.26 15:00:00
Airoha Sets 10-year Milestone with Bluetooth® LE Audio Certification
End Devices with Airoha Bluetooth LE Audio Chips Will Be Widely Available in 1H 2023
2022.07.26 15:00:00
Airoha sætter en 10-årig milepæl med Bluetooth® LE Audio-certificering [Danish]
HSlutbrugerenheder med Airoha Bluetooth LE audiochips vil være bredt tilgængelige i første halvår af 2023